Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Home Remedies For Boils

When you don't know how to get rid of skin problems, they can be not only irritating and possibly painful, but also embarrassing. Well, agonizing boils are among the worst of these! These small lesions on the skin can appear almost anywhere on the body. Here are some 3 home remedies for boils that you can do right at home.

The main thing to keep in mind with a boil is that if it bursts it can result in an unsightly scar. To prevent bursting, you can wait about two weeks for it to disappear on its own. Store-bought products cost too much money, and popping the boil may leave a permanent mark on your skin. Instead, here are some safe, natural home remedies.

The first home remedy for boils is to make a paste by stirring cornmeal into boiling water. Place a layer of this paste over the boil, then use a clean dressing to cover it. The paste should then be reapplied every two hours until the boil comes to a head and drains out.

2. Using a warm cup as a suction pump, place it over the affected area and pump it to increase the blood circulation into the boil. This increased blood flow will help the boil come to a head, allowing the pus to drain on its own.

3. Bacon can be rolled in salt, wrapped in a cloth and placed on the boil. The boil will come to a head quickly, thanks to the combination of fat and salt.

These natural, safe, home remedies can be used at home to successfully treat the boil without irritation, pain or scarring.

1 comment:

  1. Apply warm moist compresses three or four times a day over the tender area. This will help to bring the boil to a head and encourage easy drainage.

    boilx reviews
